Meaning Of Orange Shamballa Bracelet - Color Of Emotional Balancer
Shamballa bracelets have become a massive hit and you may find them on celebrities’ hands, discussed in forums, elaborated in blogs and sold on websites. Known for their power to deliver peace to the wearer, Shamballa bracelets have increased the traffic to the sites that talk about these bracelets. These are not just ordinary bracelets, these are bracelets with meaning.
Colorful Shamballa Bracelets
Shamballa bracelets come in various colors including black, white, green, red, yellow and blue. Color psychologists claim that each color is associated with certain traits and hence the color you choose will have an impact in your personal life and spiritual life.
Orange Shamballa Bracelet
Orange Shamballa bracelet is one of the excellent colors that stands for emotions related to intimacy and desire. Hence, orange Shamballa bracelet would be the right fit for anyone who is concerned about the feelings close to heart. The color orange is associated with Sacral chakra, which rules the emotions and maintains balance. An active Sacral chakra will help in creativity, reduce stress and mental blocks. In the emotionally charged world, where you hardly find time to relax, wearing orange Shamballa bracelet may be appropriate. It soothes your feelings, relaxes you and helps you love the world without any expectation. This state is eternal bliss and this does not come by for all.
Being associated with Sacral chakra, orange impacts and improves performance of organs related to Sacral chakra. The organs related to Sacral chakra include uterus, ovaries, prostate and testes. The health conditions associated with Sacral chakra include menstrual disorders, uterine fibroids, cyst in the ovaries, testicular disease and irritable bowel syndrome.
Overwhelming Orange
The color orange is associated with optimism, happiness and cheerfulness. It rejuvenates your spirit and helps to uplift your mood. Orange keeps you motivated and hence it is a great color to be associated with during tough times. Orange promotes confidence, courage, spontaneity and enthusiasm in you if you use it regularly. Orange encourages better communication with others and commands self-respect.
Balanced Emotions And Creativity – Need Of The Hour
The hectic life style of today results in mental turmoil. The world being competitive, every one keeps chasing something or the other. Challenges are many, both physical and psychological. Hence, it becomes necessary to keep one’s mind free of stress and have a cheerful atmosphere around. Your creativity is at its best only when your mind is not overburdened. The color orange stimulates you to analyze and take appropriate action. It helps you to move forward in your life. Wearing orange Shamballa bracelet helps your creativity work at its best and makes you ready to take on the world. After all, the simple rule of the world seems to be the survival of the fittest.